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"My Leg" guy

I'm in every accident that can happen in this town

When a building collapses,

When a car crashes,

You bet your butt I'm there

My leg

This annoying yellow box in a shirt and tie

This pink star with green shorts always causing trouble

I should just follow them around

For whenever he causes mayhem I need to pop his bubble

My leg

He is usually driving around with a brown balloon

Or at least trying to

I’m always there to say my line

In other people’s peril it’s my time to shine

My leg

How would this show go on without me?

What will happen when there is a big explosion and you won’t hear my famous line?

There will be anarchy

There will be more times that I have to use my line

My leg

Will I ever be able to stop this or will someone take my place

I'm tired of my leg being burned broken or hit

My hospital bill is through the roof

I won't be able to have insurance anymore

Too much of a liability

My leg

I might as well amputate whichever leg is always hurt

I must be made of just pure steel screws and other medical implements

Which is it anyways?

Is it my left leg or right leg?

My leg

My creators need to tell me which leg it is

Or does it switch from time to time?

I wonder what I look like? Am I fat or skinny? Short or tall?

I have so many questions for them all

My leg

My legs must be jacked

From all the physical therapy I have to do

They must see me in the doctor’s office

They ask how many morphine shots, one or two?

My leg

I wonder what kind of pants I wear

I think I need to wear some protection down there

My house must be littered with medical supplies

Splints, crutches, casts, I think I need to organize

My leg

What part of my leg is being hurt?

Is it my knee, my thigh, or my shin?

Either way my leg is pretty bad

Unlike Charlie Sheen I cannot win

My leg

What is my homelife like?

Do I live in a big house or small?

Do I have a family?

Or has the lack of money lost them all?

My leg

What is my job?

What do I do to pay all these bills?

Just thinking of the job gives me the chills

My leg

My leg

My leg

Ranger POst!!!


This is a blog for all kinds of writing from and about LR. If you've got something you want to put up here, check out the "Submit" link above. We're looking especially for reports about things going on at LR - sports games, events, interviews... anything!


 We hope you enjoy reading!!

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