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Black Lives Matter Slam Poem

Broken windows

Looted stores

Burnt buildings and vehicles

This is the scene of cities across America

Those who participate in these acts call it a “peaceful protest”

Everybody else knows them better as a Riot

All because a police officer was doing their job

For those that idolize criminals the shootings by police are unjust

They say the “victims” did nothing wrong

They resisted arrest and in some cases attempted to harm police officers

You’re telling me reaching into your jacket when told to freeze isn’t suspicious

Or that if you run from the police you aren’t resisting

If the so called “victims” were innocent WHY did they reach into their pocket?

WHY did they run?

WHY did they push the officer to the point of using deadly force?

Many of these protesters say they have the right to protest their oppression

What they fail to realise is In a true oppression YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!

So if you say you are protesting oppression but are not truly oppressed



Your peaceful protests turn violent

Assaulting innocent people

Vandalising personal property

And in some places going as far as killing police officers

At that point it is not “peaceful protest” anymore

You protest that Black Lives Matter

And then push your ideology on others who then go out and kill police officers

WHY do their lives not matter?

WHY do you take away Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, and Sisters

WHY if a Black police officer is killed there are no protests?

They were black, did their life not matter to you because he was in a uniform?

It is time that you stop finding excuses and idolizing criminals

If they were so innocent WHY did they resist?

WHY did they run?

WHY? Why?

Ranger POst!!!


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