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Where did I come from

Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another…

I prefer my past be multiple choice

Was I beat, was it torture

Or is it just who I am

They always call

me insane

Do you know the true definition

Because I do

The bat is always chasing me though

So aren't we the same

Or is it just who I am

I smile

only because it's easier to explain than what is killing me

I am covered in battle wounds...from a war with myself

I will not apologize for the monster I've become

Because no one

will apologize for making me this way

Or is it just who I am

I am not so different than you

I just try to get my way

He won't let me win

Yet he will never kill me

And I won't kill him

We are what make each other needed

We’ll always need each other batbrain

Or is it just who I am

Why is it that the story is told from the hero’s view

There is no story for us, it’s the same thing day in day out

We try to do bad, but the bat comes and stops us

Is it really worth

the pain

Or is it just who I am

Though is batsy really different

Maybe the reason he can stop me is because

He is the same as me

Aren’t we all a little insane

Or is it just...who I am

Ranger POst!!!


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 We hope you enjoy reading!!

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